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Gangwon State Strengthens AI Healthcare Collaboration with Estonia
a crucial step in strengthening global cooperation for the advancement of Gangwon’s AI healthcare and medical industries
기사입력: 2024/12/11 [21:39] ⓒ 국제언론인클럽(GJCNEWS)
제니윤 기자
트위터 페이스북 카카오톡 카카오스토리 밴드 네이버 블로그
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Gangwon State Strengthens AI Healthcare Collaboration with Estonia

Gangwon State announced significant progress in global cooperation with Estonia, focusing on AI healthcare innovation and joint research between key hospitals in both regions. The announcement follows the signing of a global cooperation agreement and detailed discussions on demonstration collaboration.

▲ Gangwon State- Estonia AI Healthcare Cooperation   © Jenny Yoon














As part of the initiative, a delegation from Gangwon State visited Tartu University Hospital, where they inspected a demonstration site established by a company from the Gangwon AI Healthcare Global Innovation Zone. During the visit, a plaque was presented to mark the establishment of a demonstration hub, symbolizing the partnership between the two regions.

The delegation also visited the North Estonia Medical Centre in Tallinn, engaging in discussions about potential collaboration for international joint research with Gangwon's key hospitals. Plans for participation in next year’s AI healthcare demonstration projects were explored, showcasing the commitment to deepening ties in this field.

At Tartu University Hospital, the delegation introduced an AI-based hospital solution currently being demonstrated by a Gangwon-based company. This solution integrates with a medical information system linked to personal health data from Gangwon’s key hospitals. The Estonian hospital expressed its willingness to further explore proposals from Gangwon’s key hospitals, including establishing a medical data-sharing system and conducting remote collaborative care demonstrations.

Similarly, the North Estonia Medical Centre expressed interest in actively reviewing participation in future AI healthcare solution demonstrations.

Nam Jin-woo, Director of the Industry Bureau of Gangwon State, emphasized the importance of this collaboration, stating, “This partnership with Estonia’s key hospitals is a crucial step in strengthening global cooperation for the advancement of Gangwon’s AI healthcare and medical industries. We will continue to explore support measures to promote international joint cooperation between AI healthcare companies and hospitals.”

The initiative underscores Gangwon State’s dedication to becoming a global leader in AI-driven healthcare innovation while fostering international collaboration.


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강원도 양구군 지회장
ⓒ 국제언론인클럽(GJCNEWS). 무단전재 및 재배포 금지
트위터 페이스북 카카오톡 카카오스토리 밴드 네이버 블로그
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Gangwondo, Estonia, AI helthcare , innovation 관련기사목록